Daily Oracle Guidance “Flowers are a conscious thought of the unmanifest. The seed of thought to bloom, has already been planted, long before the plant has flowered. Once open, the flower may be nothing but never witnessed by anyone. But the flower knows it has bloomed. Another year, another flower, a hundred bees may greet it and a hundred eyes may witness its beauty. Whichever situation arises the flower is consciously aware, it bloomed. It continues to do so as moments are fleeting does not care for time or the right moment. It blooms regardless. Flowers do not move. They remain in one place. Honouring their roots fully. Not moving, or altering the present moment in order to be seen. So, unfold slowly. Know this. The seeds of your destiny have already been planted. Long ago. You are ancient magic. Your job is to bloom. Like the flower. No matter what.” .:. .;. words by Rose Eads .:.
You are the light. You are the lightning. Your energy is not a constant. It is a single moment of your internal power.
Harness your power. Surrender to the self. Not all seeds you plant will grow and not all lightning strikes twice. You need all elements, full alignment to strike. What is your power? What does your voice sound like? All the elements must be in place to align the self. So, surrender to the self. Find your power. Return to the self and enter a state of light and clarity. .:. .:. .:. words by Rose Eads Land is community. A cycle of life. You are the land. You are nourishing. You bloom. What do you want people to see in your bloom? Spirit.
Attract and Reflect. Invite only the right people to walk the path of your land. Find them. You are sacred. Your earth is sacred. There is beauty in pockets of light on your land. In solitude there is darkness. When the clouds part, there is light. Solitude, no doubt is deep peace. Eden. But the land nourishes an organic network for community. All is connected. The language of the land is to give a piece of yourself away. You are write the language of your own land and your own stories. .:. .:. .:. words by Earth Artist + Spiritual Muse Rose Eads 18/9/2023 0 Comments SEPTEMBER | AUTUMN EQUINOX | MOTHER NURTURE OUR MOTHER GAIA AND THE MOVEMENT OF THE RIVER READING
10/9/2023 0 Comments SEPTEMBER REFLECTIONS | FREE ORACLE EARTH GUIDANCE FROM SPIRITUAL MUSE ROSE EADSVisualise yourself as an Elder Tree. Growth is a journey and we must grow at our own pace. Learn lessons, but continually return to the centre. Our core. Stay grounded for the future. Stick to your roots, but turn to the light as you grow. Rain is nourishing, sunshine is needed just like the rain, because they both promote growth. The days of the rain will pass. Reach high above the canopy surrounding you, otherwise you're natural bloom cannot be admired. If there were water below your roots, reflect on in the water below - as it doesn't just reflect the self, but the surrounding of the environment we exist in. This is a reminder to look inward and stay true, rooted, grounded, as your leaves branches trees are often an extension of yourself. Our branches will break, grow back, so expand, grow, flow, but remain connected to the self. You are food for others. Nourish them. We all begin with one leaf. If seasons change, or branches break, we grow back, stronger. Find the centre. Find your centre. Wild Rose 30/8/2023 0 Comments FULL MOON IN PISCES | AN ARTISTS CALLING, FINDING PURPOSE AND SEPTEMBER THOUGHTSThe inner reflection, emits the outer projection. Standing firmly like in ancient tree in the ground, I hold space in the core of who I am, where my roots below remain in deep connection with Mother Gaia.
.:. Here I am grounded. In touch with the rhythm of the Earth, beyond the surface where I am observed by the external. .:. Influenced by the elements of the seasons, the challenge is to remain as I intend without judgement - as nature does. Mother Earth holds conscious truth, reflecting a higher purpose. Her purpose. This is the challenge today as an Artist. .:. The bloom of your tree leaves influences mood. It affects your surrounding environment. My paintings are exactly as I intend. An inner manifestation, from my mindseye. Growing without judgement for my environment to view as I am. It’s easy to loose yourself and answer the commercial call of what sells. So, follow your own calling, stay true to your visions - it is your truth. It is your power .:. Happy Full Moon. Wild Rose |