You are the light. You are the lightning. Your energy is not a constant. It is a single moment of your internal power.
Harness your power. Surrender to the self. Not all seeds you plant will grow and not all lightning strikes twice. You need all elements, full alignment to strike. What is your power? What does your voice sound like? All the elements must be in place to align the self. So, surrender to the self. Find your power. Return to the self and enter a state of light and clarity. .:. .:. .:. words by Rose Eads
Land is community. A cycle of life. You are the land. You are nourishing. You bloom. What do you want people to see in your bloom? Spirit.
Attract and Reflect. Invite only the right people to walk the path of your land. Find them. You are sacred. Your earth is sacred. There is beauty in pockets of light on your land. In solitude there is darkness. When the clouds part, there is light. Solitude, no doubt is deep peace. Eden. But the land nourishes an organic network for community. All is connected. The language of the land is to give a piece of yourself away. You are write the language of your own land and your own stories. .:. .:. .:. words by Earth Artist + Spiritual Muse Rose Eads 19/9/2023 0 Comments THE CRAFT - MY CREATIVE PROCESS AND SPIRITUAL JOURNEY | BEHIND THE SCENES WITH EARTH ARTIST AND SPIRITUAL MUSE ROSE EADS
To stop what I do would be impossible. To change direction and style is unthinkable. To share these visions is what I must do. I can do nothing else but be true to my creative mindseye. I have painted over a hundred sacred circles. I will continue to do so as I am called to. I see no end point to these creations. Never have I felt such a way about my creations before. I am aligned with the creation of these Eyes of The Earth. Inspired by the rocks and ammonites at my altar, the glimmering crystals, the coral branches and driftwood wands, the stretching limbs of my staghorn ferns, the lessons of every moment I have lived, and above all, my greatest teacher Mother Earth, this is my craft. This is my creative calling. These are my visions. Thank you for being here, sharing my cosmos and being in this sacred space. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. 18/9/2023 0 Comments SEPTEMBER | AUTUMN EQUINOX | MOTHER NURTURE OUR MOTHER GAIA AND THE MOVEMENT OF THE RIVER READING
30/8/2023 0 Comments FULL MOON IN PISCES | AN ARTISTS CALLING, FINDING PURPOSE AND SEPTEMBER THOUGHTSThe inner reflection, emits the outer projection. Standing firmly like in ancient tree in the ground, I hold space in the core of who I am, where my roots below remain in deep connection with Mother Gaia.
.:. Here I am grounded. In touch with the rhythm of the Earth, beyond the surface where I am observed by the external. .:. Influenced by the elements of the seasons, the challenge is to remain as I intend without judgement - as nature does. Mother Earth holds conscious truth, reflecting a higher purpose. Her purpose. This is the challenge today as an Artist. .:. The bloom of your tree leaves influences mood. It affects your surrounding environment. My paintings are exactly as I intend. An inner manifestation, from my mindseye. Growing without judgement for my environment to view as I am. It’s easy to loose yourself and answer the commercial call of what sells. So, follow your own calling, stay true to your visions - it is your truth. It is your power .:. Happy Full Moon. Wild Rose Working alongside former Director Rebecca Wilson from the Saatchi Gallery London, for Saatchi Art and 1Hotels, we celebrate the grand opening of the stunning 1Hotel Mayfair London - a hotel working with sustainability at the core. Discover the selected watercolour paintings inspired by my relationship with the natural world, throughout the new Hotel. Shop all the works featured in the Contemporary Mayfair Collection below and here. "Our sanctuaries serve as both catalysts and comfort, offering exquisite escapes, invigorating adventures, and profound wellness expeditions guided by the intuition in your soul and the hum of the natural world. Where architecture adopts the natural curvature and fluidity of its surroundings, biophilic design details blur the lines between interior and exterior, culture inspires connection, nature drives nourishment—and everything comes into perspective." "Our sustainable retreats open the doors to a world where the desire for rest and adventure exist in harmony. Where routines are forgotten, rhythms are honored, and rituals are born. Where nature and nurture are 1, and you’re free to drift away." ©1Hotels ABOUT ROSE EADS .;. AN INTRODUCTION TO UK FEMALE PAINTER ROSE EADS
UK based ultra-contemporary Artist Rose Eads translates a lost language of the Earth, using watercolour, graphite and oil pencil. Painting auras, energy and sensory like imagery, derived from the patterns and colours in nature, she resurrects a forgotten deep rooted connection with the Earth and Water. Her work explores a harnessed energy of internal thoughts, painting eyes of our Earth, auras, energy fields, imagined galaxies, cells, unique painted codes, abstract landscapes and dreamscapes, all created with the planets most life giving ingredient - Water. Through measured time and exploration, Rose endlessly explores new ways of painting pigments onto paper, blending the boundaries intuitive painting and all she has learned throughout her creative studio practice. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. . 19/8/2023 0 Comments ULTRA CONTEMPORARY ARTIST STATEMENT | ABSTRACT WATERCOLOR EARTH ARTIST ROSE EADS.: ARITST STATEMENT :.
"I believe that everything is energy. All life on Earth holds spirit and through every action, there is a reaction. An endless exchange of constant flowing energy. When a river flows it carries its spirit along with it. Its essence invisible, but as an artist I feel that energy. When you step into a forest you are entering a network of conversation, both below and above ground. It may be unheard by human ears but it is there. A mountain speaks beneath the surface of the Earth, albeit silent to us. If I was to take that essence of a river, of the forest, of a mountain and hold it physically in a closed loop in my hands, I would be capturing consciousness. Our ancestry and roots are becoming more and more blurred everyday. I try to remember and translate a lost language of the Earth in my work. I am slowly unfolding this language each time I paint, and in turn I am rediscovering my own roots. My process when painting is a response to emotions felt in direct relationship to the natural world. My paintings depict a harnessed energy of captured consciousness. A sacred moment recorded in a closed circle. I try to resurrect and summon the deepest connection to our Mother, The Earth, for myself and the viewer. I paint the spirit of water you feel, but never see. I paint the quiet smoke, under the mountain. I paint Eyes of the Earth. I paint from my soul core, but most of all, I paint what I feel we are forgetting and must try to remember. We must find ourselves, and redefine ourselves, in these lost places with our Mother The Earth, in mind." .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. .:. Resting on a sacred stone positioned on the cliffs of the Jurassic coast, I revealed my first earth magic oracle cards. Surrounded by butterflies, watching the water under the sun, my past, present and future cards surfaced. Ocean, Ebb and Flow my past, the Ancestors being my present card and my future and time for reflection during the winter solstice. Breathing in new life and clarity looking towards the solstice. A time where I paint and create from September through to March. Soon we travel across the UK, to sacred sites like Stone Henge over to live in an ancient castle in our van. I hope to return inspired to paint for the winter during hibernation. I’ll post as I travel earth angels.
Thank you for being here in this sacred space. Wild Rose |